Sterilizing Methods
When to sterilize? It is important to sterilize your menstrual cup before using it, at the start of each menstrual cycle and after the end of your menstrual cycle.
Why sterilize? Sterilizing removes debris and kills bacteria. This prevents you from getting an infection or irritation and keeps your menstrual cup in good condition.
How to sterilize? Here are 3 ways to sterilize.
- Breeze method - 8 minutes
- Fill the Breeze Container with 150 ml water.
- Drop in the Cup Sterilizer tablet (menstrual cup sterilization tablet). It may smell like a swimming pool. Don't worry as it will do it's job to sterilize your cup.
- Once fully dissolved (~3 minutes), drop in the Breeze Cup.
- Allow the Breeze Cup to sterilize for 5 minutes.
- Shake excess water off the Breeze Cup before using.

- Microwave method - >10 minutes

- Fill the Breeze Container with 150 ml water.
- Drop in the Breeze Cup.
- Microwave the Breeze Container on high for 3-5 minutes, depending on your microwave power.
- Remove the Breeze Cup from the Breeze Container to cool down. Be careful of the hot water while removing the cup.
- Once thoroughly cooled, shake excess water off the Breeze Cup before using.
- Boiling method - >15 minutes

- Bring a pot of water to boil.
- Insert the Breeze Cup into a whisk (if available).
- Place it in the boiling water for 5-10 minutes.
- Remove the whisk from the boiling water and allow it to cool down.
- Once thoroughly cooled, shake excess water off the Breeze Cup before using.